Don’t have anything exciting planned for October? Well now you do!
If you’re looking for a way to stay social, relax and talk with likeminded people, you’ve come to the right place.
With plenty of free, public events being hosted through our 2015 Mental Health Month, there is something for everyone.
Regardless of your age, language, sexuality, culture and geographical location, we want to bring people together from all walks of life to discuss an important concern we all share: our mental health.
From community walks to empowering talks, social lunches to zumba crunches, or showcasing art to cooking from the heart, lets celebrate you this October by spending time valuing your mind.
Here are ten events coming up!
All ages, Sunday 11th October
WayAhead is working in partnership with the Sunflower Foundation to bring you the ‘Wellness Walk’ for the third year running.
This family-friendly, wheelchair accessible walk is 5km long. The route takes a scenic loop of the CBD, starting at Government House at 10am, passing the Harbour Bridge, the Rocks and Circular Quay and then returning to Government House to continue festivities (we’re talking music, yoga, photobooths).
Lets bring the community together, educate and raise awareness about mental health.
Please click here to register:
You can be sponsored as an individual or a team. All donations will help support the work of WayAhead.
Contact for further enquiries:
Teens and adults, Sunday 11th October; gold coin donation [all proceeds to the Central Coast Schizophrenia and Bipolar Fellowship]; 10AM – 5PM
As part of the annual Mental Health: Art Works! (MHAW) exhibition, the Journey Journal Film Festival will be held at Gosford Regional Art Gallery.
At the event film buffs can indulge themselves in mainstream movies, documentaries and short films made by local youth about mental health issues.
There will also be educational opportunities through questionnaires about the films and listening to a panel of consumers, carers and practitioners who will discuss the ideas raised.
Come along to get a though-provoking insight into the impacts of poor mental health.
Contact for further enquiries: Karen Adler, 0420 593 121,
This project has been created through the collaboration of the Annesley House community and local photographer Justin Buckland.
The event will exhibit portrait photographs of Annesely House residents in their homes, seeking to capture the character and depth of the individual, rather than their mental illness.
Through the photographs, resident’s recorded songs, stories and jokes, this exhibition is an opportunity to celebrate the complex, interesting person behind the illness, spreading awareness and evoking empathy.
Contact for further enquiries: Hannah Buckland, (02) 9569 7175,
Teens and adults, 7th-9th October
Run by the NSW Consumer Advisory Group, this three-day event seeks to celebrate the creative skills of consumers by showcasing nearly 100 consumer’s artworks from across New South Wales.
Held at Sydney’s Tafe’s MUSE, the launch will also include a certificate ceremony for all contributing artists. There may also be a musical performance (you will have to come along to find out!)
The exhibition is an enriching, aesthetically pleasing way to bring together the creative community and encourage discussion about mental illness
Contact for further enquiries: Rachael Laidler, (02) 9332 0246,
Teens and adults
Designed for people experiencing mental illness who are of a CALD background, this event run by Hurstville City Council comprises of two main activities that seek to use art for therapeutic and educational purposes.
Firstly, an art exhibition in the Hurstville Museum’s Dragon Lair Gallery, ‘2015 Mental Health Arts Development Art Exhibition- linocuts, mosaics and pottery’ will feature artwork by participants in the Jubilee Community Services Mental Health Arts Development program. Secondly, a multi-lingual art teacher and an artist (who is also a consumer) will conduct a workshop.
While listening to a live acoustic musician, participants can be absorbed in the world of art, through drawing and painting a model dressed in multicultural attire.
Contact for further enquiries: Anne-Marie Wiles, (02) 9330 6067,
- ‘CALD Wellbeing’ workshop, Rockdale
Teens and adults, date
The St George and Sutherland Mental Health Interagency is delivering the CALD Wellbeing workshop as a means of providing practical strategies and education and mental health to consumers, carers and people from CALD backgrounds in the Rockdale community.
Information about healthy lifestyle choices will provided in a variety of languages, as well as showcasing local services for CALD people.
As an added feature, a ‘managing stress’ resource in Nepalese will be available, the first of its kind in Australia.
Contact for further enquiries: Angela Crow, (02) 9553 2500,
- South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation (SCMSAC) treasure hunt, Nowra
Young people
Taking a fun and quirky approach to spreading awareness about mental illness, the SCMSAC is hosting a treasure hunt in Nowra’s CBD.
Gathering small teams of 4 to 6 people, clues and instructions will be collected from various businesses and locations around the area, all of which relate to valuing your mind and positive mental health.
The event will start and conclude at the Jelly Bean Park, where festivities such as guest speakers and music will continue.
Gather your friends and spend your weekend doing something different and positive- we know you will have a blast!
Contact for further enquiries: Sharlene Cruickshank, (02) 4448 0200,
- Mental Health education festival, Manning Valley
All ages
Seeking to highlight the Mental Health services available in the Manning Valley and surrounding areas, BIRBI Aboriginal Corporation Medical Centre is hosting a festival, continuing the theme ‘Value your mind’.
The event is participating in the fight to de-stigmatise mental illness through educating attendees and creating an enjoyable atmosphere to discuss these issues.
We hope to see you there so you can check out some local dancing and art and connect with people about this cause.
Contact for further enquiries: Anthony Paulsen, (02) 6591 2442,
- Information workshop and ‘Drumming Out the Noise’ float, Grafton
All ages, date and time unknown, Naked Bean Café (South Grafton)
With the intention of evoking community connectedness, the Clarence River Women’s Refuge and Outreach Service is hosting two important events this Mental Health Month.
The first event will watch the Naked Bean Café get turned into the ‘Rainbow Family Café’. Mental health resources and service providers will be present at the event, offering LGBTIQ people a safe and welcoming environment to seek information. This will be held at the same time as the popular community fair ‘Culture on the Clarence’, so get ready for a day of cultural festivities!
The second event will be the ‘Drumming Out the Noise’ float in the Jacaranda Festival Parade. Through this creative channel, the LGBTIQ will be celebrated and the importance of ‘valuing your mind’ continued.
Contact for further enquiries: Nav Navratil, (02) 6642 4955,
- Pride March and Fun Day in the Park, DubboThe Rainbow Alliance is working to promote the importance of positive mental health this October.The Pride March seeks to bring together the straight and LGTBIQ community, breaking down barriers between the groups through celebrating Dubbo’s diversity.The Fun Day in the Park will provide access to various mental health stalls and information centres. The event will be an opportunity for the community to relax and have fun through activities such as Zumba, yoga, tae Kwan doe, face painting and live music.
Take some time to help de-stigmatise mental illness and value your mind!
Contact for further enquiries: Nicholas Steepe, 0423 710 901,