About the Awards

The Mental Health Matters Awards recognise the achievements of individuals and organisations large and small who have worked to improve understanding, awareness, service provision and the general mental health of our communities in NSW over the previous year.

The nominations for 2022 are now CLOSED.

Recognising excellence and/or innovation in programs, projects or initiatives that have focused their efforts on prevention and early intervention with young people.

To submit a nomination in this category, address the following criteria to support this nomination (the supporting information cannot exceed 1500 words).

  1. Provide a brief description of the program/project – including target group/s an aims
  2. How were young people involved in the planning and implementation of this program/project?
  3. What were the early intervention/prevention strategies of this project/program?
  4. What were the measurable impacts of this project/program? (Include summarised evaluation data such as participation rates, outcomes or feedback, data collected from surveys).

Recognising small, grass-roots, community-run groups, projects or events whose key aims are to improve the mental health and wellbeing of marginalised communities, particularly Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities, and facilitate access to culturally appropriate information and services. This may also include ongoing groups focused on mental health or awareness raising events that have impacted the local community.

To submit a nomination in this category, address the following criteria to support this nomination (The supporting information cannot exceed 1500 words).

  1. Provide a brief description of the program, project or initiative. Include information about community involvement in the planning, design, and implementation.
  2. What was the aim of this program, project or event?
  3. What are some of the key issues around mental health faced by the community which were targeted by this project/program or event, and how were these issues were addressed by the program/project/event?
  4. Provide a summary of the evaluation data, outcomes and any formal or informal feedback.

Recognising programs, projects, people or initiatives that aspire to and enhance the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal communities.

To submit a nomination in this category, address the following criteria to support this nomination (The supporting information cannot exceed 1500 words).

  1. Please provide a brief summary of the program/project/service (including aims)
  2. How were Aboriginal people involved in the planning and implementation of this project?
  3. How does this program/project enhance the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal communities?
  4. Provide a summary of the evaluation data, outcomes and any formal or informal feedback.

Recognising excellence and/or innovation in mental health promotion activities  programs or initiatives that contribute to increased awareness, reduced stigma, and enhanced wellbeing related to mental health and/or mental ill-health.

To submit a nomination in this category, address the following criteria to support this nomination (The supporting information cannot exceed 1500 words).

  1. Please provide a brief summary of the program/project/service
  2. What was aim of this program or project?
  3. How did the project or program achieve its aims/ objectives?
  4. Provide a summary of the evaluation data, outcomes and any formal or informal feedback.

Recognising an individual with lived experience of mental ill-health, mental illness, or a carer of someone with lived experience, who has made outstanding contributions to advocacy and social change benefiting people with lived experiences. This can relate to a specific program the person has initiated/coordinated, or a dedication to lifelong work in this area.

To submit a nomination in this category, address the following criteria to support this nomination (the supporting information cannot exceed 1500 words).

  1. Provide a brief account of the individual that is being nominated, and the work they’ve done (Include the aims of any project or program they’ve run).
  2. How has their work contributed to advocacy and social change for people with lived experience of mental ill-health?
  3. What are some of the longer term impacts the individual has had on the lives of people with lived experiences of mental health issues?

Recognising organisations who have actively created a positive work experience for all employees and support employees in their mental health & wellbeing in the workplace. Supported by WayAhead Workplaces.

To submit a nomination in this category address the following criteria to support this nomination (the supporting information cannot exceed 1500 words).

  1. Provide a brief description of the workplace wellbeing initiatives undertaken? (Include specific programs, as well as relevant policy changes)
  2. What was the aim of this program or project?
  3. What key factors led the organisation to develop and implement this program or initiative in the workplace?
  4. Provide a summary of the evaluation data, outcomes and any formal or informal feedback.

Recognising individuals or organisations who have created thoughtful, informative and responsibly reported media and/or artistic projects relating to mental health illness. This may include such things as journalism, visual art projects, theatrical projects, or musical projects.

Projects should be led by, or created in close consultation/collaboration with, people with lived experiences of mental ill-health.

Please note: Nominations should be accessible to the public – e.g. commercial media, public performance/exhibition. Nominees wishing to nominate internal organisational or promotional items (e.g. organisational magazines or newsletters or promotional radio spots) should consider submitting in another award category such as the WayAhead Workplaces Award.

To submit a nomination in this category, address the following criteria to support this nomination (the supporting information cannot exceed 1500 words).

  1. Provide a brief description of the submission.
  2. Provide a summary of the evaluation data, outcomes and any formal or informal feedback.
  3. Provide details of th involvement of people with lived experiences of mental ill-health.
  4. Attach the supporting material for your nomination. (May include (but not limited to) links to written articles, links to reviews of the program/project, links to videos or advertisements)

Recognising mental health programs, projects or initiatives that demonstrate commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ people.

To submit a nomination in this category, address the following criteria to support this nomination (the supporting information cannot exceed 1500 words).

  1. Please provide a brief summary of the program/project/service (including aims)
  2. How does the service or program actively identify and support the mental health needs of LGBTIQA+ people?
  3. How were LGBTIQA+ people actively involved in the planning and implementation of the project or program?
  4. Provide a summary of the evaluation data, outcomes and any formal or informal feedback